Happy Birthday to President John Fitzgerald Kennedy! Our 35th president was born May 29, 1917.
We’ve had several posts related President Kennedy , including three blogs chronicling our 2011 visit to Dallas, including the Sixth Floor Museum and Kennedy Memorial Plaza . We also learned a lot about Kennedy during the Chris Matthews’ event where he shared JFK stories from his book “Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero,” which I still need to read.
Of course, a true Kennedy “Nerd Trip” requires a visit to Massachusetts to tour the Kennedy library in Boston. You can also visit Kennedy’s birthplace in Brookline, a site maintained by the National Park Service. (While in Massachusetts, we could also pick up sites related to the “Adams Family” as well as lots of authors and poets!)
Here are a few random facts about President Kennedy:
Kennedy was the youngest person elected president at age 43. Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest president, 42-years-old when he took office following the assassination of President McKinley.
Kennedy was the first president to use a campaign photo of himself shirtless. It showed him on his navy ship, the PT-109. (Have there been other similar campaign photos since then?)
Kennedy took a daily swim in the White House pool as a way to help his back problems, which plagued him for much of his life.
Kennedy famously said of the presidency, “Sure it’s a big job, but I don’t know anyone who can do it better than I can.”
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