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Nerd Trips Wins Travel Journalism Award

Nerd Trips Wins Travel Journalism Award

By on Dec 13, 2016 in Nerdy News | 8 comments

Lowell Thomas award for Nerd Trips

Guess what? Nerd Trips won an award!

Nerd Trips earned the silver award in the Travel Blog category from in the Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism competition from the Society of American Travel Writers Foundation. That’s right, real travel writers!

If you look at the winners in some of the other categories (such as the New York Times, CBS Sunday Morning and National Geographic),  you can see why I am absolutely blown away to see Nerd Trips listed in this amazing group of journalists.

Here is the judges’ comment about the blog:

“This is a really fun take on a travel blog, with a focus that sets it part from the typical. The structure of the blog entries allows for quick reading but also includes plenty of ‘go and do’ information.”

Houses of Parliament, London, June 2016

And if that isn’t cool enough, check out the video announcing the winners (the blog category is first so you only have to watch the first minute and 30 seconds). Click here for the video.


Thank you to everyone who has supported Nerd Trips, including many friends and family members who have endured everything from dry tour guides to unheated monuments. My mom and I even once attended a total stranger’s funeral on a Nerd Trip (more on that in the next post).

However, most people enjoy the fun of visiting small towns or out-of-the-way places, including enjoying some delicious local foods and meeting interesting people. I have a natural love of learning, but my travel companions usually find something they enjoy or take away for themselves.

I take it as the highest Nerd Trips compliment when someone says, “That was more interesting than I thought would be.”

Dr. Samuel Johnson House, London, June 2016

While I haven’t been writing as much (thanks to a busy full-time job, Internet issues and taking in two stray kittens),  I have been traveling, including a summer trip to London (with excursions to the Keats house and the Samuel Johnson house – super nerdy) and President Eisenhower’s farm in Gettysburg. I look forward to sharing those adventures with you.

And, as always, I wish you loads of laughter and learning on your own Nerd Trips!


Eisenhower Farm, Gettysburg, October 2016


  1. VERY cool – congratulations!

  2. Well deserved! Congratulations.

  3. Super congrats !

  4. Congratulations, Sharon!

  5. Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations, Sharon! This award is sooo exciting! We are so happy for you!

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