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Nerd Trip Teaser: Where Is This?

By on Oct 31, 2011 in Nerd Trip Teaser, Presidents | 0 comments

Hi Nerd Nation, Do you recognize this house? Do you know where it is? As more of my friends and family learn about Nerd Trips, they keep suggesting Nerd Trips when I visit. The problem is, I am getting very, very backlogged on posts. I am going lots of places, but haven’t had the time to write them up. To keep things moving, I will post some Nerd Trip teasers:...

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The Great Nerd Debate

By on Aug 4, 2011 in Nerd Debates, Presidents | 0 comments

“Mt. Vernon is not nerdy!” insisted my friend Susan B. when she first heard about the concept of Nerd Trips. Apparently, not everyone is comfortable with the idea that somewhere they’ve visited has been labeled as nerdy. Susan grew up in Washington, D.C. and visited Mt. Vernon nearly every year, often on a school field trip.
Her declaration was the first salvo in what I call “the Great Nerd Debate.” What exactly makes something nerdy?

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